Safety at Tower Landfill
At Tower Landfill, keeping our community and our workers safe is the most important thing we do. Safety is a priority throughout our operations, from the very base of our Landfill’s liner to the trucks we screen as they enter our gates.
How We Protect The Community
Built Strong – Our on-site employees have over 200 years of combined waste management experience.
Protects Groundwater and/or Protects Surface Water – Tower Landfill monitors its existing waste footprint with 11 individual groundwater monitoring wells and an engineered leachate collection system. We contract with hydrogeologists, engineers, groundwater technicians, storm water technicians and the latest lab analysis techniques to verify that our groundwater and surface water are safe.
Protects the Air – Our landfill gas management system collects gas through a series of pipes and 87 gas wells. Collected gas is routed to an on-site flare where it is safely destroyed. The Landfill’s exterior gas probes are also regularly monitored to ensure the landfill gas system is operating properly.
Monitored Continuously – Sophisticated safety equipment and trained personnel monitor all aspects of the landfill and ensure that only non-hazardous materials are disposed.
Screened for Radiation – Tower Landfill screens every load of waste for potential radiation with an industrial RadComm Radiation Detection System.
Screened for Hazardous Waste – No electronic or hazardous waste is accepted per our permit and State of Colorado requirements.
Exceeds Standards – Tower Landfill meets or exceeds all federal, state and local environmental and safety, design, operational and construction standards.
Inspected Regularly – Tower Landfill is inspected quarterly by Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) and/or Tri-County Health Department (TCHD).
Overseen Continuously – We use sophisticated data management software that allows operators to monitor the gas and leachate collection systems right from their computers or smart phones. This ensures that our personnel are informed about our infrastructure operation 24-hours a day.